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Try This best quality Female American Goggles USA Flag Embroidery Design for your next embroidery projects. Use the embroidery design for embroidery on t-shirts, towels, jackets, pillows, aprons for the kitchen. this is an instantly downloadable embroidery design.
This file comes in the following formats: EMB, PES, DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, VP3, JPG, PNG, and XXX. (If you need another format that is not listed here please contact us before purchasing the design). This design's dimension is 274 X 172 mm, the stitch count is 21951 with 8 thread colors
A lot of users have asked for images of this design in order to print it before embroidering the design on fabrics and we know the importance of this JPG file format to you, so we've decided to include this design image so you can download it when you download this design.
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- : Instant Download
- Model Number: 22FB21
Available Options
Applique | |
Applique Stitches / Points | 27749 |
Applique Height | 102 mm | 10.2 cm | 4 Inches |
Applique Width | 280 mm | 28 cm | 11 Inches |